
The RGA model utilises current, quality assured training resources to supplement the coach and educator accreditation curriculum.  

Use these resources to help develop your own policies and training.

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Sport Australia has created a modern approach to community coaching. The approach is about supporting the development, education and training of coaches and empowering them to provide safe, fun and inclusive environments that focus on the needs of participants.

Play by the Rules provides training and support to organisations committed to becoming more child safe. It offers training courses covering a range of topics to keep sport safe, fair and inclusive in addition to wide range of free downloadable resources for you to use in your organisation.

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The ASC’s Child Safe Commitment provides insight into how seriously the organisation takes its responsibility to provide an environment that is caring, nurturing and safe. Learn more.

As part of  its commitment to child safety, the ASC has adopted the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework setting minimum standards for creating and maintaining child safe cultures and practices.

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