Our Partners

We enlist and work with partners with industry experience and expertise, as part of our service to you.

Experience & Expertise

Our business depends on solid relationships with suitable providers to ensure we are always providing best-in-class services.  These relationships are built on trust, integrity, solid products, and priceless experience and knowledge.  With these partnerships and alliances, Recreational Gymnastics Australia are able to create standout and industry-leading solutions.

Belgravia Academy Training amp Education

Belgravia Academy (RTO ID 45497) is committed to providing students with nationally recognised training and industry-leading educational programs. Our expert team are highly qualified to deliver courses that will provide students with the skills, confidence and knowledge to take the next step in their careers. View our courses – click here For more information contact  info@belgraviaacademy.com.au

Oho is Australia’s award winning automation technology for initial ongoing and visitor screening. The smartest, fastest, secure way to recruit, stop compliance breaches and strengthen safeguarding. Oho integrates with your systems to provide a single source of truth with Accreditation Checks, Live & Ongoing Verification and National Coverage including:
– Working with Children Checks (WWCC)
– Teacher Licenses and more…

Gymnastics Clubs Australia (GCA) is the Peak Industry Association for Gymnastics Clubs in Australia. GCA unites Clubs through education, advocacy and community. 
GCA believes that movement is the essence of life and that gymnastics should form the foundation of all children’s development. 

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MHeLP is a completely free, online, accessible, and evidence based resource that supports the increased knowledge, understanding and confidence around the topic of mental health for workers and volunteers in the leisure and community sport sectors. The online training is a self-paced learning program that takes approximately 1-2 hours to complete. Plus, the program earns learners two Fitness Australia accredited continuing education credits (CECs).  Click here to access MHeLP.

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Marsh Advantage Insurance is the insurance broker for Recreational Gymnastics Australia.  It develops risk management and insurance broking solutions nationally for sporting associations and affiliated clubs, specifically tailored to  unique industry needs. Insurance coverage via the RGA subscriptions will cater for different coverage categories.

The Belgravia Group consists of multiple Australian businesses across a range of industries, including health and fitness, leisure, tourism, property, finance and technology. The Group specialises in best-practice business support solutions to provide seamless integrations, and ongoing financial and growth potential for clients including covering franchise, and partnerships with local community providers.

Sports Community provide training and knowledge, both in person and online, to clubs and their volunteers. They also offer consulting services to peak sporting bodies and local councils.

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